Connect with our talented audio artists and let them enchant your project.

Request Services

Use the power of audio branding and perfectly customized sounds to round up your project with the finishing touch.

Benefit from our experience, critically acclaimed from designing millions of the most diverse sounds imaginable.

Tying people to your project, handling their emotions, vivifying storytelling or dramaturgy, rounding off characters, setting or showing changes and events within the scene - music can get extremely powerful, where visuals alone fail to satisfy. 

Complement your project with an unique score, for example an outstanding main theme.  Music is our superpower, let it be yours, too!

Get a free quick-check of your game!

We will test your prototype depending on its current state in full detail or rather in general. Afterwards you'll get an extensive feedback document on what we think about your present audio, as well as profound suggestions on what could be improved. 

We will work out an individual and professional audio concept for you.

You will get a personal audio expert to your side, to accompany you in the whole process. Even if you are working with internal musicians already, it can be a huge moneysafer and crucial quality ensurance to have an external audio expert.

We are able to integrate any audio into your project and create overwhelming lively and innovative interactive audio systems, using your engine or third party tools such as FMOD, WWISE...

Feel free to contact us even if its not our audio you are looking to integrate - there are no hard feelings :-)

Being a large team of experts in every possible audio related topic, we also offer services such as: integration, orchestration,  (orchestra-) recording, voice over, recording, sound licensing and much more...  Just write us what you need - or what you want to achieve.

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